Alcohol Awareness Week 2010
This year, Alcohol Awareness Week – which runs from 4th – 10th October – will ask Scots ‘How do you measure up?’ and encourage them to ‘make every day count’. It aims to raise awareness amongst people that, by making positive lifestyle changes, changing their drinking habits and drinking more responsibly, they can get more out of their day, week and weekend.
The week-long initiative will highlight the benefits of sticking to the sensible drinking guidelines of not regularly drinking more than 3-4 units per day for men and 2-3 per day for women. Doing that, you can not only enjoy a drink but wake up feeling refreshed and ready to make the most of the day, whether that means taking part in sport, catching up with friends or even organising a family day out. A programme of events and initiatives designed to promote responsible drinking will take place throughout Scotland during the week.
The drinks industry, health professionals, the voluntary sector and the Scottish Government have joined forces for the initiative – Scotland’s fourth annual Alcohol Awareness Week – to help encourage a culture of responsible drinking within Scotland.
The Western Isles Alcohol Drug Partnership (ADP) is organising a programme of events across the Western Isles, in partnership with the Community Safety Partnership and other local agencies, to promote responsible drinking.
The Western Isles is one of five launch sites in Scotland for Alcohol Awareness Week, and a special launch event will be held in An Lanntair to mark the occasion on October 4th.
The morning will also see the launch of the new Western Isles ADP website which will act as a main information point for drug and alcohol services in the Western Isles.
To win sessions with a personal trainer at Western Isles Sports Centre or Gym and Swimming Vouchers at Lionacleit Sports Centre please complete our Alcohol Aware quiz at from Monday 4th October!
For further information, tips for responsible drinking, and ideas as to how you can get involved in Alcohol Awareness Week, go to
For further information please contact Suzanne Macaulay, ADP Substance Misuse Development Officer on 01851708923 or